
Enabling Development Greatness.

In today's competitive environment it is imperative to continuously sharpen your edge or face the prospect of becoming dull and insignificant in your market. A company deepens relationships with its customers by offering experiences that exceed expectations. As companies discover the need to deal with mounting issues that arise from a growing customer base, system maintenance, and other business functions, they are less efficient at adding new features that their customers desire.

Getting past the challenges posed by legacy technology and complex internal processes can be difficult. Couple that with the need to stay current with an ever-changing technology landscape and it can feel nearly impossible.

Iced Dev is equipped to assist your business in several ways. Combining your customer and product insight with our technical expertise and experience, you now have the means to build your way ahead of the curve.

Application Engineering

There is a lot of power in an idea. And product ideas cultivated from experience and customer feedback are often a sure win. But to get a 'WOW', a product must offer something delightfully unexpected; something difficult to do without a different perspective.

Iced Dev can work with your project team to see things differently. We develop with robust, scalable technologies used by companies such as Walmart and Facebook. Whether it is bringing a concept into focus, overcoming technical obstacles, or (not simply) migrating to a newer technology for increased functionality, Iced Dev can help clarify a scope, plan for your project and then develop the code.

Internet-Connected Devices

Only recently has the surface been scratched on how internet connectivity can be leveraged. User behavior and technology trends all confirm that 'smart' devices along with the connectivity and automation they bring are the next big wave of opportunity.

At Iced Dev, we are at the forefront of the latest web and hardware innovations and we have experience building platforms that allow your "Internet of Things (IOT)" future to happen. Our experience gives us a keen understanding about how 'smart' devices leverage internet connectivity. We are well-positioned to explore how your product or platform can flourish in a universe of 'smart' devices.

Research and Development

Iced Dev understands that innovation is critical to staying relevant. Together we can fuse customer insight with cutting-edge technology. Whether your next generation means a back-end that can scale to handle huge traffic volume or rethinking use-cases to integrate new forms 'smart' wearable hardware, we can help make your vision a reality.

We maintain a culture conducive to creation; Lab Anywhere. The office, the local hackerspace and our home offices are proving grounds for new ideas. The developers at Iced Dev are not merely engineers, but explorers... able to chart new territory on your behalf.


Once a project is completed we have the ability to train your own in house developers on every piece of it, facilitating a hand off period where your internal staff can get to know the systems that we designed, ask any questions, and bring up any additional concerns that may have arisen while the product was in development.

We impart best practices. Modularity. Scalability. Performance. Usability. All of these are considerations we make daily on projects. From use cases that include thousands of concurrent transactions, to using javascript on embedded hardware with limited resources, we have an understanding of how to adapt javascript technologies and software practices for various application profiles. Javascript training provided by Iced Dev can be adapted to your need, highlighting issues and considerations specific to your development effort.